About Us
Tom, the owner of Integrity Woodcraft Inc. has been in wood manufacturing for his whole working career (over 40 years). He started in construction at age 16 and then at 20 started a furniture manufacturing company. He further developed this into custom furniture and cabinet making. Since 2010, the focus has been on CNC work and manufacturing the line of Legacy Wood Vents.

Our Vision
Building a Legacy of integrity that touches our world!
Our Mission
We are committed to excellence in the design and crafting of custom wood products that will exceed our customers’ expectations both visually and functionality and will mutually maximize the financial benefit. We value our relationships with staff, suppliers and customers and will strive to retain their trust at all times by working with Integrity.
Core Values
Integrity in business is of utmost importance and must not be compromised.
Treat others as we would like them to treat us.
Working together as a team achieves greater results than independent efforts.
Communication is fundamental to success and healthy relationships.
We are people who will make mistakes but when realized will do what we can to make things right.
Family is fundamental to our existence.
Our creator God is a worker and cares deeply about our work how we do business and life.
God owns this business; we are only stewards of what he has placed in our care.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Colossians 3:23